Vzaimno Loan Systems is about financial aid in difficult situations, understanding life problems and treating clients correctly in any circumstances. The minimalist mock-ups created at the studio for the company’s website explain the structure of financial products, demonstrate the differences between a serious organization and questionable firms and generally make the company friendlier.
As the name implies, the company mostly issues loans. They are given against security of a car, any company property (if it’s a business that needs to be rescued) or real estate. Each of the corresponding financial products is represented by a large live picture. All animation on the pages is implemented strictly with code which allows transitions between loans to occur seamlessly.
Brief product descriptions are supplemented by the comments of a virtual assistant. It looks like a fragment of the logo, or a sound wave, depending on how you look at it. As soon as a visitor scrolls the page to the block with specific information, the assistant immediately provides a hint.
Considering how people browse websites nowadays, we created two mock-ups for each page, one for desktops and one for mobile devices. Now everything looks and works equally well on huge and small screens.

art director
- Anton Zhukov
- Sergei Irkhin
- Pasha Omelekhin
- Ivan Tikhomirov