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Chocolate bar and candy forms for Vernost Kachestvu factory

The first chocolate bar was produced in 1847 by the British company J.S. Fry & Sons. Before that, Europeans had known chocolate for nearly two and a half centuries, but only as a hot beverage.

157 years after the great invention the Vernost Kachestvu factory launched production of chocolate bars and candies designed by Art. Lebedev Studio.

Complete set

The series is based on a square 5 gram unit with two semicircles carved out from the sides. From now on, it’s not only their taste that will help the Vernost Kachestvu bars and candies stand out among the rest of chocolate.

3-gram piece

5-gram bars

9-gram double piece (“My turn to eat the knight!”)

72-gram ten-unit bar (be sure the words pieces are just as tasty as the knight ones)

The weight of the bars depends on their thickness, while the square of a module is always the same, which allows for planning individual packaging and boxes more effectively.

Size matters. 5-gram candies seem more delicious than traditional 20-gram pieces that take five bites to finish

Of course, all candies have different fillings (illustration by the Design Center of Vernost Kachestvu factory)

Release date: September 16 2004


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