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Vernost Kachestvu chocolate bar packaging

Overview   Award  

Just as with candies, the words written on the boxes only say what’s inside. For example, “12 bars of milk chocolate with cinnamon”, or “six bars of bitter chocolate, 99%”.

The bitterest chocolate is produced in limited amounts (net weight 30 g)

Color coding was developed for the chocolate series. Moreover, additional coding was used to differentiate bitter chocolate bars from milk chocolate bars by embossing the packs of the former in silver and the packs of the latter in gold. A very insubstantial volume of foil is used for that.

A variety of sorts (net weight 108 g)

The new series of packaging for mini-bars was developed by overhauling the former design.

Release date: December 26 2004


art director and designer

Vernost Kachestvu Design Center

packaging design engineers

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