Urban objects Wayfinding

Ufa urban object design

Ufa is a city in Russia with a population of over a million, and it is considered one of the largest economic, cultural, and scientific centers in the country. Due to the growing tourist flow, the city is experiencing an increase in trade and is actively being landscaped. To ensure a coherent and attractive look, a universal yet recognizable design has been created for the city’s urban objects.

ufa urban objects kiosks
ufa urban objects kiosks mobile

There are five types of urban objects: kiosks, regular pavilions, fairground pavilions, auto shops, and terraces. Each object has its own placement, accessibility, lighting and design rules.

ufa urban objects bb

The style-forming decorative elements are based on Bashkir culture details. The neutral color scheme allows the objects to blend into both the historical environment and modern buildings.

ufa urban objects kiosk
ufa urban objects ice cream

The blind part of the façade contains either a company logo or the city identity.

ufa urban objects fair

The cozy terraces attract tourists and locals to cafés and restaurants.

ufa urban objects terrace
ufa urban objects auto

The signs can have text in two languages: a special separator will ensure they remain readable.

ufa urban objects sign

The lighting emphasizes the distinctive look of the city, even in the dark.

ufa urban objects lights
ufa urban objects lights mobile
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