Collimator typeface

Collimator is a monolinear, monospace neo-grotesque typeface that helps text hit its targets.

collimator collimator

Collimator is a monolinear, monospace neo-grotesque typeface that helps text hit its targets.

The design of Collimator is inspired by the typography of Soviet factory nameplates, but reinterpreted from a modern perspective for maximum functionality and made monospaced, which demonstrates the maximum transition into the digital format.

collimator document

Rectangles with rounded corners instead of ovals

collimator do_
collimator vw_

Tops of triangles are also rounded

The design of Collimator is inspired by the typography of Soviet factory nameplates, but reinterpreted from a modern perspective for maximum functionality and made monospaced, which demonstrates the maximum transition into the digital format.


collimator aagg

The character set can be transformed with stylistic alternatives

collimator black

Reverse italic style opens up the field for typographic experimentation

collimator white

The typeface contains true Bulgarian alternatives

collimator bulgarian

Increased height of lower case versus upper case letters improves readability

collimator xx

An open aperture in a completely closed typeface adds impetus to the printed matter

collimator scales
collimator form
collimator fonts

The type is variable in tow axes: you can adjust thickness from hair to extra bold and slant from −12 to 12 degrees, as well as special characters for all occasions.

collimator end

art director

type designer

project manager

See also