Website Anniversary page
Overview Process
Diving into the world of heavy machinery. Deciding to show the real scale of the projects.
Trying different approaches: creating blueprints, displaying equipment in section, using infographics.
We need fresh new ideas. Brainstorming.
Finding a suitable image and presenting it to the client.
Making a landing page.
Inspired by epic Hollywood sci-fi movies, the designer begins to assemble the website.
Art director: Doesn’t look like a movie poster yet.
Art director: ОК.
Rendering the missing pages and showing to the client.
The client asks to cut down on the space theme. Turning our attention to the major projects instead. Making the first drafts.
Considering section navigation. Creating a large panorama.
Visualizing the missing equipment. Looking for the best composition and perspective, choosing materials, polishing the objects in a graphics editor.
Deciding on how the classified equipment should be displayed. Covering it with veils.
Making photographs of draped fabric.
Adding the guy who will show the scale of the projects and provide horizontal scrolling.
Assembling the robot out of the plant’s products.
Assembly process.
Simultaneously fine-tuning the navigation.
Rendering the pages of the most important projects.
Choosing the favicon. Taking the most noticeable one.
Catching bugs and correcting indents.