TurkStream interactive presentation and applications

• OverviewProcess
to present a gas pipeline in an engaging way.
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TurkStream Pipeline Project

free on the App Store

TurkStream pipeline is being actively constructed and soon will carry the first batches of gas to the south and southeast of Europe. An interactive presentation and mobile apps with detailed information about the project, explaining its importance and the details of its implementation were created at the studio.

Interactive presentation

The presentation will be displayed at specialized exhibitions on screens of branded infotrucks, informing visitors about TurkStream.

The tablet version of the app allows to leisurely explore all features of the pipeline and trace its route all the way from Anapa to Kıyıköy. The construction process is described in detail and beautifully illustrated.

The application covers economic factors and technical solutions, including unusual materials, pipelaying methods and controller robots.

Carefully designed navigation prevents users from getting lost in the multitude of screens

The mobile application presents a huge array of information in a beautiful, concise and easy-to-learn form.

Mobile app
All stages of construction were lovingly illustrated

Ecology gets special attention in the materials.

Nikolsky tortoises were carefully relocated to safe areas away from construction sites
Oil & Gas  TurkStream  Mobile Apps  Presentation materials and videos  Construction companies