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Cultu.Ru! website

[This work is in the museum]

The Cultu.Ru! project is a logical continuation of Art. Lebedev Studio’s prolonged work on cultural projects, first of all theatrical art.

The project will be launched on March 23, 2005 with the Big Dramatic Theater’s play “Philistines” by Maxim Gorky, directed by G.A. Tovstonogov. Cultu.Ru! develops the concepts, trends and format of the Theatrical Web, the first Internet theater festival. From now on, on Wednesdays theatrical performances will be broadcast on terrestrial and satellite Internet channels.

Theater starts with choosing a channel

The Cultu.Ru! project was conceived as an information channel of Russia’s artistic life. The first series of theatrical performances will represent the “golden fund” of the Russian stage direction of the second half of the 20th century. It includes theatrical performances directed by G. Tovstonogov, O. Yefremov, A. Efros, M. Zakharov, P. Fomenko, L. Dodin. Some of the performances will have English subtitles.

The founders of the project are the International Center for Financial and Economic Development, Art. Lebedev Studio, the Main Information and Computation Center of the Russian Ministry of Culture, Interstudio—the Institute of Further Training and Retraining of Cultural Institutions Employees.

Release date: March 04 2005


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