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The making of the Tetra Pak website

Overview   Process  

Starting to work on the concept. Getting inspired by infographics and trying to tell the story of cartons using an informative illustration.

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Building the design around the shape of a carton.

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Returning to the colorful illustrated story.

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Working on the page about forest harvesting. Drawing a prototype on the wall and testing the format of a video story.

Taking pictures of the wall and assembling a page with the illustration.

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Noticing that an air-filled carton makes a nice bang when popped.

Laying the concept aside for a while and assembling a site map in the form of a sequential story of packaging life cycle.

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What if we loop it?

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Assembling the first page based on this idea.

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Working on the life cycle illustration.

Putting a carton in the center, folding its corner, planting a coniferous tree, making the packaging material rolls smaller.

Considering the menu design, searching for metaphors and drawing icons.

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Assembling the page about the composition of the packaging.

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The client asks to fill the carton with juice. Doing it.

Drawing the right cap.

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Working on the page about carton paper manufacturing. Preparing a diagram.

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Listening to the client’s comments and making changes.

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Placing the result on the page. Since the diagram came out too large, adding horizontal and vertical scrolling.

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Drawing the final version of the diagram and reversing the direction of the process.

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Getting further comments.

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Finalizing the page and adding new content.

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Starting to work on the page about polyethylene.

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Creating an approximate production diagram.

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Placing it on the page and emphasizing the fact that Tetra Pak uses as much green polyethylene as possible.

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Even while we work on the website, more and more polyethylene is being produced from sugar cane. Trying to hide the traditional petroleum process behind a teaser.

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It doesn’t work. Making adjustments to the drawing, replacing petroleum with the renewable source.

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Retypesetting the page with the new illustration.

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Assembling the page with the aluminum production diagram. Since the company itself does not manufacture aluminum, the page gets dropped from the final version of the website so as not to cause any confusion.

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Understanding the manufacturing process of the packaging material.

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Checking out how the diagram will look on the page.

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It does not correspond with reality. Trying to simplify.

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Doesn’t work either. Studying the process more carefully.

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Getting the client’s approval for the alternative.

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Drawing the new diagram and finalizing the page.

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Creating the page on responsible forest management.

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Working on the illustration.

Following the evolution of the page on packaging systems.

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Thinking about what the carton of the future might look like.

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The client would like to emphasize their dedication to sustainability. Developing this theme.

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The idea does not work. Showing possible alternative directions.

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Drawing the new variant of the illustration and retypesetting the page with the new content.

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Starting to work on the page on transportation. Using an interactive switch to show how fewer trucks are needed to transport Tetra Pak packaging.

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Drawing the trucks.

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Filling the page about carton contents with juice, milk and wine.

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Drawing what’s inside.

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Ultimately removing the corn and typesetting the page over again.

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Assembling the page on product treatment.

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The illustration does not match the description of the process. Assembling a new page with a new diagram.

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The packaging meets the product.

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Finalizing the diagram.

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Assembling the history page from newspaper cutouts of different periods.

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For the page on product transportation we decide to weigh two trucks carrying products packed in two kinds of packaging to see which is heavier.

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Drawing the trucks.

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Moving on to the page about profits for retail networks.

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Comparing the packaging on store shelves. Clicking replaces the losing shelf with the description of pictrograms on Tetra Pak cartons.

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The idea doesn’t make the cut. Removing the carton comparison and showing the pictograms information right away.

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Talking about collection and sorting of used packaging. First we decide to make an illustration with three ways of waste handling.

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Assembling the page.

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Replacing the shared illustration with three separate pictures on ways of handling waste.

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The client asks to cover the truck bed and remove the factory on fire.

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Creating an approximate plan of the recycling process.

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Drawing and typesetting the page.

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The client sends a new vision of the recycling diagram. Changing the illustration and retypesetting the page.

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Working on the page about recycling results.

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Moving on to the page about people who consume the products in cartons. Unfortunately, the page does not make it to the final version of the website.

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Now the page about the life of a carton at home.

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Changing the refrigerator perspective. Ultimately, the page doesn’t make the cut either.

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Creating the page about recycling companies in Russia and in the world. Deciding to abandon it right before the launch.

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Making a page on quality control. It also doesn’t go through to the final.

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Drawing icons.

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Polishing teasers for all pages.

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Making final corrections.

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