Website   Maps   Customs control  

Making of the Sheremetyevo website

Overview   Process  

The first draft rejected by the client.

Art director changed. The second draft, client-approved.

Making of the plan of Departure Hall, Terminal 2.

“It’s all wrong, and ugly. You should just put the icons onto the plan, get rid of all the plates—at the moment, it’s a total mess.”

“No. No plates at all. Gate numbers should be brighter and larger. Black against yellow, like they have now. You don’t need icons for stairs and escalators—draw stairs and escalators. Customs checkpoints, registration and passport control counters should be solid, like walls. Exits are on the sides and not where you put them. Make a trip to Sheremetyevo, will you?”

“The escalators are placed right, but you should check—maybe there are more of them. And try making escalators longer, to go below the floor level at a reduced opacity. As for the rest of the icons, it would be better to use them not just over colored background, but over silhouettes of the things they relate to. For example, the cafe occupies a certain space, so its outlines should be shown.”

“The information board must be large, black and real.”

“Do you mean this angle view (first file)? Or the top one (second file)?”

“Yeah, the top view. It’s just right. Only I think there are two of these.”

Finalized plans of the three floors of Terminal 2.

Icons for the terminal plans.

Handwritten slogan versions.

Evolution of the airplane in the corner.

Shooting characters to inhabit the website.

Photographed executives.

Drawn images for the History page.

Shots for different sections.

Making of the Security section.

In the end, Yandex substituted for Google.

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