Electronic gift cards for Sunlight

Electronic certificates from Sunlight allow you to delight your loved ones with a gift from a distance. We have refreshed the design of the cards, along with user scenarios for purchasing and receiving them.

A convenient personalization feature allows to make the gift more memorable: users can choose a theme for a specific occasion, thereby changing the graphical content of the card.

The higher the value, the more decorations surround it, enhancing the festivity. For significantly large amounts, there is a special design of the card itself.

To make the virtual gift more tangible, all this beauty gracefully moves depending on the movement of the computer mouse or smartphone.

The user’s journey is divided into numerous small steps following the principle of “one screen—one question.” Now, the card can be easily sent, for example, to yourself (just in case), immediately or later, with a text greeting or a video. Before sending, there is an option to double-check the text and design.

The recipient receives a message with a link, clicks on it, lands on a colorful page with a personal greeting and a vibrant certificate and smiles broadly.

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Made in 52 days
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