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Gosloto website

Overview   Process  

[This work is in the museum]

Problem: Design website templates for the Russian National Lottery.

Result: The number of hits has grown three times (up to 26,000 unique visitors in four months); the site now sells 1500 more lottery e-tickets every day.

Gosloto is the country’s lottery market leader. Their website tells about the lottery—its rules, sales outlets, financed sports facilities construction projects, etc. There is even a story about 36-year-old unemployed man living in Visby, Sweden, who won 16 million dollars and bought Zlatan Ibrahimovic, a Juventus player and a member of the national Italian team, for his favorite football club Gute playing in Division 2.

Games, prizes and supporting sports

Gosloto opens new outlets every day, and the info on the website gets instantly updated.

Throughout the vast country

Anyone is welcome to visit and check online whether his or her ticket is lucky.

This ticket wins 144 432 Russian roubles

There are some pages with limited access.

Seller’s personal account page

You can see and find out more about the lottery winners.

Veni, vidi, vici

Release date: October 09 2009


art director 1
art director 2
beta tester
Art. Lebedev Studio would like to thank Olga Linnik for her contribution to the project

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