Banners and promo pages for the Gosloto website

Overview   Process  

Task: to draw players’ attention to special offers and winnings on the Gosloto website.

The banners on the Gosloto website tell players about large winnings and special offers.

gosloto promo banner giri
Banner about a large winning in the “6 out of 45” game

In 2011 Gosloto held a draw of three business class cars among all the players who placed bets. First, a Mercedes.

gosloto promo banner mers 300
The draw was among those who purchased tickets priced 300 rubles or more
gosloto promo banner mers kupi
As the final approached, a countdown timer appeared on the website

A new campaign started right after the first car was won. A slogan and a promo page for the campaign were created at the studio.

gosloto promo page mers
The Mercedes is back
gosloto promo banner siluet
About the new hope
gosloto promo banner mers balls
About the balls that hide the car
gosloto promo banner mers upside
About luck which will find you everywhere

After the two Mercedes, it was time to draw a new car.

gosloto promo banner bmw
The intrigue
gosloto promo page bmw gorki
Promo page about rollercoasters
gosloto promo banner bmw gorki
Banner for the draw
gosloto promo banner bmw train
And again, a banner with a countdown

Then came the time to reveal the new “7 out of 49” game.

gosloto promo banner 749
Time, go faster!
gosloto promo banner 749 sunday
About Sunday draws

During the summer months the prizes were trips to the sea instead of cars. New winners were announced every two days. The banner changed accordingly.

For good memories

A separate banner was devoted to paying bets via Alfa-Click online banking.

gosloto promo banner alfa
— Alfa, Alfa, this is Gosloto, come in

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