Nothing but Pluses

Task: to create convincing social advertising for drivers.

Anything is easier to evaluate when you know what the benefits are. The impressive social advertising tells about the pluses of some driving decisions and habits.

sploshnye plusy billboards v2

The metaphorical pluses symbolize the place where no one wants to end up and have a sobering effect.

billboards billboards billboards billboards billboards billboards billboards billboards

The Nothing but Pluses social advertising is free to use and is perfect for placement anywhere where it can be seen by drivers.

sploshnye plusy photo 01 v3 sploshnye plusy photo 02 v3

We want as many people as possible to learn about the vitally important pluses and have a correct attitude towards drunk driving, riding without a seatbelt and other kinds of unforgettable entertainment on the road.


project manager and copywriter

The studio wishes to thank the expert center for their help with the project

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