The making of the Smartlabs Hybrid set-top box

Overview   Process   Hi-Res  

Studying similar devices, potential materials and technologies.

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Drawing a bunch of sketches.

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The search goes on.

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Creating 3D models of some of the designs.

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Developing and visualizing the most plausible design.

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The resulting device is not cost-efficient for mass production. Sketching on.

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Drafting several new ideas.

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Making models of the new designs and comparing them with the current version.

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We decided to preserve the internal layout as much as possible, thus the case has to be similar to the existing model. The search continues.

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Choosing the search direction with the emphasis on the functional zone of the device and developing it further.

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Thinking over the layout.

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Entertaining other ideas.

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Offering other designs.

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Creating a model.

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Working through the details of the set-top box.

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Experimenting with colors.

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Creating color and texture maps.

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Assembly manual.

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The prototype.

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