The making of the School 1794 logo
Client: School 1794 is in dire need of an update of its logo and identity. The school is a large complex made of 12 buildings accommodating more than 3,500 children.
The slogan chosen by the school is Territory of Success. The school has been consistently improving its standing in educational results and official Moscow ratings.
A new young principal came to the school who wants to turn a regular Soviet school into a school of the future (that’s me talking modestly about myself)... And we need to start with the basics: a new logo and a new identity.
What I expect from the logo and the identity:
1. A bright, not excessive logo that rhymes with our slogan “Territory of Success.”
2. Modern design (no laurel wraiths, owls, etc.).
3. The logo should not be provocative so we could use it on all official school documents, on buildings, create shoulder patches for students, make stickers and souvenirs. No swearing or political statements.
4. I want to see some kind of a special feature or an ideological basis in the logo (for example, if there’s an apple, it’s not for no reason but because it carries a certain meaning pertaining to the school).
5. The logo should be close to teenagers so they can gladly wear it and show it to everyone with pride. We should be able to easily place it on souvenir products (mugs, pins, caps, t-shirts, etc.).
6. It would be great (though by no means mandatory) if by looking at the logo one could tell that it’s a logo of a school, not a factory or something else... But again—not mandatory.
Again: we want something modern, nothing like what we have right now (
Generating ideas.

Choosing a direction.


And a bit more.
