The making of Satka corporate identity

Overview Process

Trying to get inspired by the geography of the region: mountains, rivers, Zyuratkul lake.

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They also mine magnesite in Satka, this can also be something we can use. The mountains need to be more symbolic, less natural. We also want some kaleidoscope-looking things.

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Making rough sketches and sending them to the art director.

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We need to keep in mind that the logo will be used both on beautiful photos and in the most unexpected places.

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Another designer submits his idea.

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The art director likes all the designs, assembling the presentation for the client.

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The client can’t decide which one he likes better. Deciding to go with magnesite and the lake. The type designer draws the sketches of the letters. The art director does not approve the C and the S. Fixing and making small changes to other characters.

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The shape of the stone can be changed, but the outline of the lake must remain recognizable. Creating a set of both abstract and specific shapes.

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We need to prepare a set of layers that would allow the client to easily assemble new shapes later on. Also trying to add a slogan in the shape of a wave.

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Finalizing the monochrome versions. Ultimately there are two, one for simple materials (paper, vinyl film), the other one for more complex ones (stone, fabric).

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Preparing the brand book and the announcement.

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