Satka corporate identity

Overview Process
Task: to develop a logo and a corporate identity for Satka.

Release date: September 28 2015

satka logo ru
satka logo en
Russian and Engish versions of the logo

Satka is a city in Chelyabinsk Oblast located near the boundary between Europe and Asia in an area rich in natural deposits. Production of iron, pig iron and military instruments has been developed in Satka since the 18th century, while the 19th century saw the discovery of the deposits of magnesite, a blue-colored fire-resistant stone used in smelting of metals. The historical center of metalworking and blacksmithing, today Satka attracts artisans, reenactors and bikers. Its picturesque natural and archaeological complexes are visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. To help maintain the popularity of Satka, a corporate identity for the city was created at the studio.

The shape of the stone can be easily changed

satka logo bw
Two versions of the monochrome logo were developed, one for printing on paper or vinyl film, the other for applying on complex surfaces such as stone or fabric

The logo is based on the outlines of Zyuratkul alpine lake carved in magnesite. The main elements of the style are lines and shapes of corporate colors, blue-gray and turquoise. The graphic elements are used in design of various media and and look well both on light and dark backgrounds.

satka iphone
satka usb
satka watches_5
Traveler’s set

Art object

Rules for the use of the logo, corporate colors, typefaces and graphic elements are given in a detailed guide.

Opening on creating new shapes of the stone
art director
type designer
project manager
The studio wishes to thank Natalia Bannikova and Ilya Paskhin for their trust and help with the project

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