Russian Railways Healthcare positioning and identity


Russian Railways Healthcare is the largest network of clinics in Russia. Currently, the network includes 358 outpatient and inpatient facilities across 71 regions of the Russian Federation. It employs over 53,000 people, including 10,500 doctors.

To communicate the new image of the network to a broad audience, Russian Railways Healthcare and the studio have developed core principles for positioning and created a new visual identity.

180 years of tradition and experience

Founded in 1844, Russian Railways Healthcare initially consisted of temporary field hospitals located along the Saint Petersburg—Moscow railway. Today, the organization includes multifunctional medical centers, outpatient clinics, hospitals, dental offices, clinical diagnostic laboratories, first aid rooms at railway stations, pharmacies, pre-work medical examination points for railway workers, as well as mobile medical units and health trains. Both employees of the company and those unrelated to the railways seek its services.

Key benefits for clinic patients:

  • the experience, competence, and professionalism of doctors
  • the ability to access all necessary services within a unified system (from basic doctor consultations to high-tech surgeries)
  • the cost of services

These aspects form the foundation of the updated brand concept. Both employees and patients share the fresh perspective on corporate values.

Comprehensive patient care anywhere

Russian Railways Healthcare has the resources to provide medical services in 71 regions of Russia, including remote locations.

Russian Railways Healthcare shortens the path to health.

russian railways healthcare = health

Process and result

Russian Railways Healthcare has accumulated vast knowledge in occupational, public and private medicine. The company constantly attracts specialists, installs modern equipment in clinics and develops new projects. The result of this growth is encoded in the symbol, which combines a red cross with railway tracks that are drawn into a tight knot.

Two parallel straight lines run through the entire identity, symbolizing a quick process and high-quality results.

rzd med bus

Russian Railways Healthcare is continuously evolving and searching for new directions for work and development. Therefore, the logo is easily adaptable to any context.

artistic director

art director




secret advisor

project manager

  • The studio wishes to thank the staff of the Central Healthcare Directorate of Russian Railways Healthcare for their help with the project
Made in 164 days
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