Rukami cyberfestival website awards


iF Design Award

April 2022

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Runet Rating 2021 Award

October 2021

The Rukami cyberfestival website took first place in Runet Rating 2021 in the Family and Children category.

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Red Dot Design Award

September 2021

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Silver Archer

April 2021

The Rukami cyberfestival was named the best among one hundred and fifty applicants in the Promotion of Future Technologies category. The project was awarded the Silver Archer award for combining advanced technologies developed by enthusiasts from Russia and foreign countries.

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Event of the Year 2020

April 2021

The Rukami Moscow International Cyberfestival was chosen as the Festival of the Year by the Event of the Year 2020 award. Renowned media personalities, honored artists and entertainment gurus praised the quality of the festival and the professionalism of the organizing team.

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Golden Site Award

February 2021

The Rukami cyberfestival website was awarded Bronze in the "Website of a Conference, Event" category.

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