Slogan and video for the 300th anniversary of the Raketa watch factory

Task: to create a video worthy of a watch factory whose history spans many centuries.

In 1721 Peter the Great founded the Peterhof Lapidary Works that cut granite and marble: first making pedestals and columns for palaces and churches, then fine jewelry and complex decorations for the Savior on Blood, Saint Isaac’s, Kazan and Naval cathedrals in Saint Petersburg and the Peterhof Palace fountains. After the revolution, the factory supplied semi-precious stones for the first Kremlin stars and decorations for the Lenin Mausoleum. The new times demanded precise mechanisms: the factory was renamed Factory of Precise Technical Gemstones No. 1 and switched to production of miniature jewels for the fledgling watch industry and military instrument engineering. In the era of space exploration, the factory began to produce high-precision clockwork which will become the basis for its famous Raketa watch.

Today, the Raketa Petrodvorets Watch Factory produces hand-assembled watches in different price categories for those who appreciate impeccable mechanisms.

To celebrate the three hundredth anniversary of the factory, the studio came up with a slogan and a video showing the connection between past, present and future.

History moves in a circle, just like hands on a watch dial, acquiring a new quality with each turn. We offer our congratulations to the factory that has made the 300-year journey and continues to grow steadily.

technical designers

type designer

  • The studio wishes to thank Ekaterina Kreshchik and David Henderson-Stewart for their help with the project
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