Caucasus Products mark

The Caucasus is an amazing region that impresses with its diversity and generosity. It has well-developed pottery industry, as well as agriculture, animal husbandry, beekeeping, weapon manufacturing and carpet weaving. Wine, food, cosmetics, jewelry and clothing are also produced here. All of this needs to be promoted and popularized.

We have developed a refined mark in the form of the letter K, half of which is made up of an impressive horn. The Caucasus is a true horn of plenty.

produktsiya kavkaza boxes

The mark confirms the quality of Caucasian products and helps customers confidently discover new domestic brands.

produktsiya kavkaza pack
produktsiya kavkaza eng
produktsiya kavkaza care
produktsiya kavkaza shirt
produktsiya kavkaza nuts
produktsiya kavkaza ad
produktsiya kavkaza pattern
produktsiya kavkaza final

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