Moscow, Kaspersky Lab Headquarters in photos of the day

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Moscow, Kaspersky Lab Headquarters in photos of the day

We have already shown how in March head of Kaspersky Lab software creation, support and testing department Maksim Dorofeev visited Art. Lebedev Studio to speak about the role of mathematical statistics and game theory in project management.

In April representatives of the studio made a reciprocal visit and held a seminar in Kaspersky Lab Moscow headquarters. Pictured: designer Igor Pugachevsky and manager Maksim Dolgov explain how good interfaces are different from bad ones and how carefully planned interacton of users with information systems makes users happy and increases sales.

Russia, Moscow, Kaspersky Lab Headquarters
Russia, Moscow, Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center Russia, Moscow, Kamergersky Lane Russia, Moscow, Kaspersky Lab Headquarters Russia, Moscow, Khod Konyom Store Russia, Moscow, Khodasevich Bookstore

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