Murmansk design code

Murmansk is the administrative center of the Murmansk region and the largest city beyond the Arctic Circle. It is located in the north of the Kola Peninsula in remarkably picturesque places with rocky terrain and rich northern nature. Climatic and geographical features have shaped the city’s unique panoramic architecture.

A design code was developed in the studio that describes the architecture, principles of urban improvement, rules for placing informational and advertising materials on façades and in the environment, as well as lighting features. The rules and recommendations outlined in the document are intended to help Murmansk become more comfortable, safer and more attractive to tourists.

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Pre-project research

The task of the research is to identify existing problems, the needs of residents and business representatives, as well as to determine the unique natural, historical and cultural features of the city. The work includes urban planning analysis, sociological research, analysis of architecture and urban improvement and much more.

Based on the results of the urban planning analysis, the city is divided into zones with their own rules.

During the sociological research, we surveyed almost 1,500 residents, representatives of the business community and the city administration. The results showed that residents primarily miss having bright colors in the city. Therefore, it is necessary to develop courtyard spaces and pedestrian infrastructure.

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The section of the design code dedicated to building architecture describes methods for preserving and restoring the appearance of the historical part of the city, coloristic principles of façade finishing, as well as new techniques for decorating typical multi-story buildings.

To diversify the cityscape and make gray residential areas cozier, the design code recommends using color accents and complementing the solid parts of façades with murals.

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Northern lights

Murmansk has a rare feature: the city is surrounded by hills, and the unattractive panel buildings are visible from the historical center. The devised principles of façade design and lighting transform this issue into an advantage: the panorama of construction forms a cohesive color-light composition, pleasing residents and tourists.

During daylight hours, the effect is achieved by partially painting façades in saturated colors.

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Murmansk is located beyond the Arctic Circle, so there is very little natural light here. Lighting in the city affects not only aesthetics but also safety, that’s why based on the analysis of the lighting environment, rules have been developed, and types of lighting have been selected taking into account zoning and the diversity of construction.

murmansk dc lights map

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Information and advertising structures affect the architectural appearance and visual ecology of the city. The design code describes the principles of placing and decorating various types of signs, plaques and address indicators.

The document offers a choice of four address decoration concepts, each based on recognizable urban symbols.

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For pedestrians, standalone structures aid with orientation, as well as serve as sources of official information. The section describes navigational signs, stands, steles, pylons, billboard cabinets and navigation modules with rules for their placement and design.

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A special section is dedicated to the rules for placing and decorating elements of urban improvement, taking into account urban zoning in the historical center, micro-districts, parks, industrial and non-residential areas.

Specifically for Murmansk, five types of pedestrian fences and a standard kiosk have been developed.

murmansk dc kiosk

Transport solutions

The design code describes the principles of organizing the street and road network which help ensure the safety of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

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The northern climate requires a special approach to landscaping. Key principles of plant selection and planting depend on the type of urban space.

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Residents and guests of the city can learn the latest news about the development and implementation of the design code, share opinions and ask important questions on a specially developed website.

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  • The studio wishes to thank ANO Center for Urban Development of the Murmansk Region and the Murmansk City Administration for their help with the project
Made in 259 days
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