The making of the Mosenergo postcards

Overview   Process  

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Deciding to design postcards.

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Making folded postcards with diagrams and infographics.

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Thinking on the infographics.

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Designing a pop-up postcard with a 3D plant scheme.

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Putting together a draft set of postcards.

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Working on a map with CHP plants icons.

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Choosing photos for the main postcard.

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Thinking of metaphors for the postcard explaining what Mosenergo is.

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Typesetting a list of Mosenergo plants.

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Illustrating the postcard on technical jargon with a dialog.

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Management structure:

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Finding metaphors for the postcard on work safety.

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Illustrating, typesetting.

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The evolution of the postcard with a success story:

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The postcard on career opportunities:

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Pop-up postcard with the power plant scheme:

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While designing, we don’t forget to sometimes cut out the current set of cards and send it to the client.

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Preparing the postcards for print.

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