1.0 2.0

Moscow construction site appearance concept 2.0

• OverviewProcess
to improve fencing modules.

The city construction site design concept created at the studio aims to explain the importance of construction work to people and decrease their frustration with temporary inconveniences. The second version adds photographs of construction stages and completed objects and combines graphics and slogans with a rhythmic pattern.

Fencing module structure

Several types of modules with various content were created allowing their use in areas with uneven terrain and broken perimeter. Long modules are used for straight stretches of fencing while short modules are employed at bend points.

moscow construction2 fence

Variety of modules will keep pedestrians entertained

The concept can be applied to any urban media.

moscow construction2 ads

City format and billboard

Guidelines for creating slogans, typography, typesetting and combining information blocks are given in a detailed guide.

moscow construction2 guideline 01
moscow construction2 guideline 02
moscow construction2 guideline 03

art director

secret advisor

designer and typesetter

chief typesetter


project manager