Moscow Cares book

Task: to design a useful brochure.

Moscow takes care of its residents, helping them with everyday activities, at work and even at leisure. For each type of activity, the city has a project to offer that will make it easier to perform routine actions and solve complex issues. Together with specialists from the Moscow Social Development Complex, studio designers composed and designed a book that describes all stages of life of a Moscow resident from early childhood to old age and tells how the city participates in them.

moscow care book in hand
moscow care child book

The main characters are an ordinary Moscow family of three generations. Dad, mom, three children and grandparents guide the reader through the sections, discussing opportunities for people of their age and occupation. There are forty pages worth of important and interesting information! Each spread has its own color scheme and features scenes from family life.

Children talk about school life and preparing for exams.

Parents discuss pregnancy and raising kids.

The older generation talk about their leisure and hobbies.

We ended up with so many sections and topics, that we had to introduce color coding to make the book easier to navigate. This principle makes the book interesting and easy to read. Some can read it as a story, while others may use it as a reference book.

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moscow care ill 2
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The brochure describes how the city makes life more comfortable and harmonious for its residents.

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