Pass Left sign

• Overview
Task: to show the right direction.

Release date: February 02 2016

Moscow Metro ticket barriers allow passengers to enter the station after they present a valid ticket. There are two types of turnstiles. The newer ones have gates that are closed by default and open once a ticket is validated. Gates of the older models are normally open and close only when a passenger tries to go through without a ticket. In a long row of barriers it’s not always clear which gates belong to which turnstile.

It’s not easy to see which side you should go through

To make sure people instantly find their way from a short distance, a simple and elegant solution was implemented. A sticker with an arrow and a brief text description is attached to the top of each turnstile.

In two words

The stickers will soon appear on all Moscow Metro ticket barriers.

art director and designer
technical designers
project manager

Typeface: Direct

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