Lukoil Overseas intranet templates

Overview   Process  

Task: to design a corporate intranet.

Lukoil Overseas conducts exploration and develops oil and gas fields outside Russia. To make sure employees from different divisions can quickly interact with each other and get the right information in a timely manner, templates for a corporate intranet system were created.

Main topics are shown in cells of a crystal lattice

The website provides basic information about the principles of the company, its structure, business schemes and existing strategic projects.

lukoil overseas kz
Points of presence are marked on the map using traditional markers

Documents in the system are tied to business processes. Every registered employee can access the knowledge base, ask questions about existing files and add new ones.

lukoil overseas documents
Users can add comments to any document fragments

The only way to explore the intranet in detail is to apply for a position in Lukoil Overseas. Those who haven’t done that yet can enjoy looking at page fragments.


art director
senior designer
technical designers
interface designer
technical writer
beta tester
project managers
The studio wishes to thank Sergei Morozov for his trust, comprehensive support and direct participation in the project
lukoil overseas elements

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