Visual Identity   Website Main Page  

The making of the visual identity

Overview   Process   Real Life  

Drawing inspiration from the fashion industry grandeur.

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Studying the case in search of a concept.

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Designer: A natural beauty with a dark industrial twist: it’s a fashion world, baby. Add all sorts of a closed-door club attributes like Mayan symbols and such.

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Art director: Keep going.

Designer: Blue blood.

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Art director: Freakish.

Designer: A glamorous gloom of a sort. Say, blue vein-vessels fashioned after “modern” 3D sculpture, projecting from the center of blood circulation—our fashion website—like tree branches. A shot of blue blood available by a VIP-pass only. And those bluish chicks getting half-priced Dolce vein injections. The brands are in our bloodstream.

Art director: I’m not buying into it.

Designer: Let me present to our fashion-aware customers a theme of multiple mirror reflections. An exponentially vip-vip-vip experience. Corporate stationery featuring refraction graphics and multiply reflected models on the website and banners.

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Art director: Not bad.

Developing the theme into a full-blown visual identity.

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Hand-polishing the corporate typeface’s outlines and seams. All set for the show!

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Photo shooting various accessories for the project’s page.

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