Everything but Espresso by Scott Rao

Task: to translate and publish a book about coffee useful to both amateurs and professionals.

This book is a complete guide on making filtered coffee. There are chapters on the intricacies of such methods as automatic and manual drip, pour over, Chemex, press pot and vacuum pot.

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The author explains what coffee extraction is and how changing its parameters can improve coffee flavor, gives detailed instructions on optimizing different brewing methods, explains proper water chemistry and bean storage, two important factors that largely determine the quality of the beverage.

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The ideas presented in this book are the result of my reflections, tastings, trials and errors, as well as the research that I have conducted over the past sixteen years while trying to remain impartial. I hope that this book, although not perfect, contains important information that can help readers significantly improve their skills in coffee preparation.


It is unlikely that a day will come when every cup of coffee that we make is perfect. But you can start making coffee that is as close to ideal as possible.


From the foreword by the author

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Scott Rao was bitten by the coffee bug in 1992. During his career Scott has roasted and sampled more than twenty thousand batches of coffee, made several hundred thousand coffee beverages, opened and successfully sold two coffee shops and written four books. Scott currently does consulting for coffee retailers.

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The most enthusiastic coffee lovers will appreciate the appendix with technical details, the list of reference materials and the glossary.

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art director




senior editor




production manager

  • Hardcover
  • 160 pages
  • Dimensions: 144×216 mm (5,7″×8,5″)
  • Press run: 3000
  • ISBN 978-5-98062-126-1
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