The making of On Children’s Drawings by Marina Ozerova, third edition
Updating the book information, changing the IBSN and edition number on the title page. Retypesetting the last page based on the new layout. Going over the text to fix some hanging prepositions and conjunctions, improving the spacing.
The cover
The third edition will come out without a dust jacket. Typesetting the cover based on the new template.
Chief typesetter: On the cover the evolution of children drawing is interrupted.
Trying to mix up the drawings. Simultaneously asking to write Third Edition in children’s handwriting.
Chief typesetter: I suggest to write it even worse. Right now it looks like handwriting of a schooled child.
Sketching a design with stains left by chlidren’s hands.
Chief typesetter: No, this theme is a no go. Let’s try to keep the evolution of children’s drawings but have them evolve horizontally.
Chief typesetter: Yes, but I don’t like the similar colors of the bottom two in the left column. Also, the text Third Edition is preventing us from placing the pictures better.
Replacing the headleg thing and searching for a better place for the edition number.