Editions:  First Second Third

On Children’s Drawings by Marina Ozerova, third edition

• OverviewProcess
ozerova 2017 cover

to republish a book by Marina Ozerova.

The book is dedicated to the phenomenon of children’s drawings and treats it as a psychologically important aspect of child development. The author talks about different stages that children’s drawings go through, identifying the relationship between the age of the “artist” and the way he expresses the world through his drawings.

ozerova 2017 title
Title page

The practical chapters contain a great number of tips, advice, and ideas for adults who wish to develop and support creative potential of their child, without imposing visual patterns.

Drawing is not just a popular creative outlet for children, though it is valuable in this respect as well. It is a way of expressing oneself without words, a story of feelings that are yet difficult to grasp, an immediate broadcast of inner mood with the help of art.During the whole preschool age—from birth and up until a child is six—seven years old—the speech is not yet developed well enough for him or her to articulate and clearly communicate his or her feelings. Drawing gives children a chance to paint their mood, their attitude towards something, to relive a pleasant event or to rid of negative emotions.»

From the chapter The Meaning of Drawing for Children

ozerova 2017 8
Pages 8–9

ozerova 2017 22
Pages 22–23

ozerova 2017 98
Pages 98–99

ozerova 2017 170
Pages 170–171

ozerova 2017 300
Pages 300–301

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project manager

  • author

  • Marina Ozerova graduated with a master’s degree in general education from Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. From age seventeen she has been working with children as a teacher, consultant and head of various art centers. Since 2004, she has been living in Israel with her husband and their three children. She holds workshops for parents dedicated to creative activities with children and gives lectures on child development with a focus on children’s homeschooling and upbringing.
  • Hardcover
  • 320 pages
  • Dimensions: 144×216 mm (5,7″×8,5″)
  • Press run: 3000
  • ISBN 978-5-98062-106-3
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