About my graduate placement in Art. Lebedev Studio
My practise at the Studio was a kick in the ass. It was sometimes painful, but it was perfect for me.
Never in my life have I worked that hard: the working day lasted for up to 12 hours, and even in my sleep I was still drawing in Photoshop or making a grid in InDesign. The tasks were mainly boring and solely technical. So, I started to feel pity for myself for having to spend all my time on this routine. But then my attitude changed. I learned to get the most of this work by discovering new ways of dealing with common tasks. As a result, I became much more skillfull in computer design programmes than I used to be.
In the Studio they have a great activity-home tasks. Every Friday designers get a problem to solve during the weekend, and on Tuesday they present their ideas to the collegues. It is very aspiring to listen to all the talented people and useful to learn to speak up for you idea in front of an experienced audience.
Another great thing is an area in intranet called Brain, where you can place you seemingly weird ideas and other people may find them awesome, and there is even a possibility that on object, which you invented, will be produced by the Studio!
After a hard day of sitting opposite your computer it is great to relax your hands and mind in the drawing class or a lecture about Symbols, which both took place several times a week.
People in the Studio are the best professionals, who can anwer your questions.
All in all, this practice was a very positive influence on my career and my personality. I will always remember the high standarts of Art. Lebedev designs and people and try to keep up!