I think it is better to express my opinion right now, after a long time since my departed from moscow and Lebedev Studio, because now I can really understand the positive and the negative side of this internship, with less emotion and more rationality.
It is for sure a kind of experience every student should have to do, I mean, this kind of experience, not looking for the design paradise, but for a training experience, something that can make everyone stronger.
I have to admit that it is not so easy to work abroad, expecially in a country with such a different background, with a different language and a different alphabet. Fortunately Art.Lebedev is such a reality in moscow (it is hard to talk about everything out of moscow) that I think it was the only place where i could have an internship.
This is due to the wide range of project and of fields the studio is involved in. So it is easier to share, partecipate and be active in the studio production rather than being in other smaller and more focused studio.
Of course it is hard, but it is a good training to keep the head up, to never stop exploring and the experimentation. In that days in moscow i had the opportunity to really think about the design role, the possibility and, more important, what is my road, my destination and so on. For these reason i find really important this experience, more than having a secure job in a safe city in a modest house.
I found some good friends there, a lot of people ready to help me in most of the situation. I had also some problems with other, but it is normal. It is unusual that noone tried to solve it (included me), and this is something new i realized i’ve learnt there.
I hope my participation in the studio production was satisfing for the big boss, the other workmate and the clients also, the most important thing.
The city itself is amazing, so i won’t sponsor anything about moscow, everyone should visit it and take a look around at the architecture and the power of the communist era: something that noone can destroy, and, with a little bit of sadness, something that is really hard to delete.
I’ve worked in the graphic design dept, making some restyling to the web theatre logo, drawing pictograms, telling stories, drinking vodka and so on.
I hope this experience could be usefull not only for me but also for the guys and girls worked with me, because i think that this kind of sharing could be a good opportunity for the designers of lebedev studio to explore a little bit of Europe and of Italy thru me, or maybe, it is a good opportunity to stole something mine to give back to the next inter will arrive from nowhere in the center of moscow, there, close to the red square.