Visual Identity   Outdoor Advertisement   Wayfinding  

Gorky Park outdoor advertisement

Overview   Process  

Task: to supplement the style of the main Moscow park.

Further developing the previously created Gorky Park corporate identity, a new design for information and advertisement media was created at the studio.

gorky park ad billboard

The design of billboards, banners and various signs is based on light and cheerful typography combined with the corporate colors of the park. Standard styles of the Direct typeface are used, as well as a custom style that includes special characters with hidden meaning.

Release date: December 09 2013


artistic director
art director
type designer
project managers
Typeface: Direct
gorky park ad ban
Entrance banner

gorky park ad infoplate
Information sign

Rules for design and layout of all media are assembled in a brief guide.

gorky park ad bb1
Opening on entrance banners
gorky park ad bb2
Opening on billboards
gorky park ad birdhouse
That very bird

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