Gorky Park wayfinding system

Task: to design a modern wayfinding system.

Gorky Park is Russia’s main park. There’s always something interesting happening in the park: there are lectures, film screenings, exhibitions, festivals and marathons. Every day the park has tens of thousands of visitors.

People know that Gorky Park is great but also believe it to be too big, complex and confusing. We decided to change this perception by telling plainly about everything that’s great about the park.

The new wayfinding system is:

Clear image

Recently, the park has noticeably grown in size: now it includes Muzeon, Neskuchny Garden and Vorobyovy Gory. The problem is that for many visitors Gorky Park is still the old small and familiar space while all the rest is terra incognita. Few people understand how big the park is and how many interesting things it has to offer.

The new wayfinding system helps find the way around the park and tells that it is full of cool places and that public transport is easily accessible.

Clear image

Recently, the park has noticeably grown in size: now it includes Muzeon, Neskuchny Garden and Vorobyovy Gory. The problem is that for many visitors Gorky Park is still the old small and familiar space while all the rest is terra incognita. Few people understand how big the park is and how many interesting things it has to offer.

The new wayfinding system helps find the way around the park and tells that it is full of cool places and that public transport is easily accessible.

The new system is based on the concept of a mental model, the way different people imagine the park. Memory doesn’t usually store all the details but retains the most important facts: Muzeon comes first, then Gorky Park itself, next Neskuchny Garden. This collective image is what the new map was based on. The map is straightforward, it is easy to use and memorize.

Another problem is that people who don’t know the park too well don’t venture further in because they are not sure they will be able to get to a Metro station from there. And they will, because there are six stations nearby! You can enjoy your walk with no worries about getting home.

Each sign shows the way to the nearest Metro station, as well as to restrooms, baby changing facilities and restaurants. And of course, each one has a simplified map of the entire park.

Another problem is that people who don’t know the park too well don’t venture further in because they are not sure they will be able to get to a Metro station from there. And they will, because there are six stations nearby! You can enjoy your walk with no worries about getting home.

Each sign shows the way to the nearest Metro station, as well as to restrooms, baby changing facilities and restaurants. And of course, each one has a simplified map of the entire park.

gorky park stele

Friendly dialog

No two places in the park are the same, just as no two of its visitors are. There are noisy areas with many things going on, there are cozy corners for walks and thoughtful contemplation. People appreciate this difference and go where they feel good. The entire park consists of such small spaces, each with its own mood.

gorky park photos

Dry lists of names and points of interest will help find your way around but won’t convey the idea of the park to the visitors. Which is why we added emotions!

We kept the official place names on the park map but added colloquial names to the signs. Now the wayfinding system contains both facts and emotions: ducks, stars, water splashes.

We didn’t explain which locations are quiet and which are fun—the guests will have to decide for themselves—we only helped create a bright image.

All signs have very large text that can be easily read while walking. In just a couple of seconds you can get an idea if there’s anything interesting up ahead and whether you should go there. Directions have thoughtful explanations: behind the fountain, by the river, further ahead.

We kept the official place names on the park map but added colloquial names to the signs. Now the wayfinding system contains both facts and emotions: ducks, stars, water splashes.

We didn’t explain which locations are quiet and which are fun—the guests will have to decide for themselves—we only helped create a bright image.

All signs have very large text that can be easily read while walking. In just a couple of seconds you can get an idea if there’s anything interesting up ahead and whether you should go there. Directions have thoughtful explanations: behind the fountain, by the river, further ahead.

Maps of the nearby territory prevent from getting lost in the busiest parts of the park.

Maps of the nearby territory prevent from getting lost in the busiest parts of the park.

Everyone hangs out by the main entrance, around the fountain and on the embankment instead of going further in the park. Few people go as far as Vorobyovy Gory. The wayfinding system explains that you should keep going further as there are many interesting things there.

Right now


To lure visitors to the new areas of the park, compact pylons contain information not only about the closest object but also about similar activities in other parts of the park: where else you can play ping-pong or football, rent a bike and so on.

To lure visitors to the new areas of the park, compact pylons contain information not only about the closest object but also about similar activities in other parts of the park: where else you can play ping-pong or football, rent a bike and so on.

Nighttime effects

During the day wayfinding pylons look like familiar navigation signs, logical and clear. But at night, the backlight comes on and each pylon turns into an art object.

The backlight reveals the second level of graphics: illustrations, moving mechanisms, light machines, mirrors, projectors. The system is perfect for any events and holidays, the range of themes and technologies is endless.

The backlight reveals the second level of graphics: illustrations, moving mechanisms, light machines, mirrors, projectors. The system is perfect for any events and holidays, the range of themes and technologies is endless.

Living map

The map shows emotional zones of the park: which ones are quiet and which ones have all the fun. Parts of the park harmoniously fit into the cityscape. The river flows, the trees rustle: it’s pure bliss.

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The map is divided into several parts. Each map contains fragments of neighboring locations hinting to people that there is more to explore.

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The icons are informative and relaxing at the same time. Recognizable pictograms of landmarks help understand how the park is positioned within the city.

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