The making of the GITIS Development Foundation website
Starting to look into the task. GITIS wants to tell about the foundations as well as about who helped the institute and what they got in return. Apart from taking part in the Foundation’s projects there are two more ways to help: scholarships and gifts.
Deciding to make an emphasis on stories about those who have already helped the institute. It’s a great way to show that their interest includes more than just money.
Now we have a section consisting of three blocks: Gifts and Exchange, Scholarships and How to Help. Sketching possible designs.
Creating bright cards for those that have already helped GITIS.
Placing the resulting cards on a contrasting background.
Distributing the elements slightly differently. Now the color of the background changes when the page is scrolled.
Preparing the Scholarships page in the same style.
Putting together a video presentation.
Making all shapes on the page with the list of bank accounts moving as well. Adding a page with a message from the rector and a list of members of the Board of Trustees.
Adding a block with a list of all people and companies who helped the institute.
Fixing bugs and launching the website.