GITIS website auditions page

• OverviewProcess
to create a page to allow prospective students sign up for auditions.

Every year, thousands of Russian Institute of Theatre Arts (GITIS) applicants form huge lines by the GITIS building to storm admissions offices trying to get an audition. The new website developed at the studio is designed to make life easier for everyone involved, including the institute’s administrative staff, professors and the applicants. Available courses can be sorted in three different ways making it easy to choose a major, get acquainted with future professors and explore institute’s departments.

Instant switching between presentation modes

After choosing a course, the applicant is presented with key course information and a brief creative biography of the mentor. The main element of the page, a calendar that allows to choose an audition date, is available only to registered users.

Geometric distortions of website elements establish connection with the institute’s red and black logo

After registering, each applicant can access their personal account page for information on completed audition rounds and current exams.

gitis cards
—Good luck in the next round!
Education  Theatres  Websites  GITIS  Non-commercial