Founded in 2010 by three Moscow State University graduates, Genotek conducts DNA analysis and genetic tests for private customers and large institutions. A website presenting complex medical information in an accessible, structured and beautiful way was created at the studio.
The personal section of the website contains information about personal tests. These tests determine risks of genetic diseases, help develop prevention programs, plan pregnancy, create exercise schedules and reveal hereditary predispositions. Individual test pages contain interesting facts about each test, examples of final results and allow to purchase a test.

Clients who are ready to purchase more expensive examination and buy a test package that includes decoding of the whole genome are redirected to the premium products section where they can register, receive their results and use additional medical services.
Examples of decoded genes are illustrated with beautiful graphics that make exploring website pages fun.

The footer of each page contains information on additional services available after the procedure.
Test results displayed on user account pages come directly from the company’s database that is regularly updated with latest discoveries.