Julia Valeyeva

Since childhood I have loved two things: drawing and making up fairy tales. And by the time I was a junior, the conflict between the two got really intense—I couldn’t decide what career to choose as my desires to become a jounalist and an artist were equally strong.

It was Mom who dismissed my doubts by sending me to study to the institute of mining. A graduate geologist, I worked in the industry only for a week and then fled to a newspaper, where I spent 7 years performing, with great enthusiasm, the tasks of a journalist, a copywriter, an editor and a creative director.

And then I felt an urge to draw again, and I let myself do it. And I don’t have a single regret I did.

On Hospitality
Drunken Summer
Arms Race
Rock Star 1
Rock Star 2
Provincial Princess
On Naïvety
Petty Bourgeois
Krishna Worshippers
Krishna Worshipper
Disabled Person Bathing
Hunting Fat People
Colored Hair Lifestyle
In the Office
Aboard the Airplane
Visit to Psychotherapist
Cover illustration
Select Your Image
Girls on a Diet
Reading Books
Reading Magazines
Buratino Dynasty
Professor and the Mushrooms
Multicolored Fairy Tale
Rose Feeling Unwell
Pull Harder
Shoe Fairy
Sales Boom
Sun Swings
Four Clouds
After Shopping

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