The first Russian-speaking blogger appeared in LiveJournal in 1999. Since then, the service has evolved into Russia’s major blog-platform, with over two and a half million registered users from the country. The time has come for a more powerful, lean, and efficient interface. The newly designed front page is more flexible and trim, featuring new widgets and lacking some unnecessary elements.

The posting page slimmed down too. Icons and comments managing links only appear when a comment is pointed at with a cursor. Most of the functions are now available on you current page, skipping annoying reloading.

Adding images and videos to comments is a breeze: Just upload your pictures right on your current page or choose from those already uploaded to photo albums.

The new design eliminates any questions about whether you’re posting to a community or to your own blog. All auxiliary post parameters are shown to the right. Everything which could be tucked in is waiting under pseudo-links. The stage is dominated by two main elements—the subject and the text of the entry.

Updated friends managing page offers functions previously spread over different site sections. The new design allows you to choose and edit all settings—tagging, grouping, and banning—in one place.

Stats are truly useful now. You are not limited by one month-period anymore. All peaks are accompanied by links to the highest-scoring posts. Analysis and forecasting became more inspiring.