Disc cover for “Nest of Machines” by Edison Woods

Problem. Create a Cmart-style design for a music album.

Disc cover


We can still
Spot the birds
from the city
And below a bus bound for relief
No one sleeps
La da dee da dee da

We’re a nest of machines on an island
Making wings making wings making wings
And the birds are calling as if to say
We know what you hope for

Coo kee kee kee ke kee kee kee kee eee
Coo kee kee kee kee kee coo kee kee
Coo kee kee coo kee kee coo kee kee ee ee
Coo kee kee coo kee kee kee kee kee

Release date: May 24 2006


art director & designer

Disc and booklet

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