Eden Fantasys packaging

Task: to create packaging that is pleasant to open and easy to manufacture.

Eden Fantasys is an American online store that sells a wide variety of pleasure products. Box layout and an incredibly wonderful packaging design were developed in the studio for products in the store’s range. Now the process of unboxing brings pure aesthetic pleasure.

Stylish and laconic black boxes are available in four sizes and fit all products that Eden Fantasys offers.

edenfantasys black

The boxes are universal and differ only in removable sleeves, which is especially practical in terms of production.

For products like these, it’s especially important to guarantee that the box was never opened before it reached the user, which is why the packaging is designed in a way that prevents you from getting to its contents without breaking it. The active pink rectangle on the flap marks where you should start opening.

edenfantasys sleeves

Smooth shapes and vibrations became a source of inspiration for creating packaging of pleasant pastel colors.

edenfantasys all

packaging designer


project manager

Made in 85 days