Pocket Dictionary of Quotations for iPhone

Overview   Process  

Task: to turn a dictionary of quotations into an app.

The application contains 4500 eloquent expressions from various sources—the result of many years of work of Konstantin Dushenko, author of The Large Book of Aphorisms; Thoughts, Aphorisms and Jokes of Famous Men; Thoughts, Aphorisms and Jokes of Prominent Women and others.

dushenko favorites
“What don’t care for what we have, we deplore what we have lost” (Kozma Prutkov)

Quotations of authors whose names start with А and Б are available for free, the full version of the dictionary can be easily bought via in-app purchase.

The random quote function will help you start your day with a wise thought.

dushenko random
“Any seeming randomness is an unexplored regularity” (F. Engels)

Search by keywords allows to find an aphorism even if you only know its general idea.

dushenko list
“To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield” (A. Tennyson)

The dictionary has brief information about each author.

dushenko akhmatova
“It is a fact of your biography” (V. Shklovsky)

Release date: December 11 2012


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Konstantin Dushenko is a historian, culturologist, translator, senior research associate of the Culturology department at the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. More than 30 of his books with quotations and aphorisms were published in the period from 1998 to April 2009.

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