Soul of Russia ethnographic park logo

• OverviewProcess
to create a logo with folk motifs.

Soul of Russia ethnographic park will appear between the old Russian cities of Vladimir and Suzdal. The park’s grounds will accommodate ethnographic museums, education and entertainment centers, exhibitions and installations.

A logo replete with Russian images was created at the studio.

dusha rossii logo

The logo combines the recognizable Russian symbols: the Firebird and the double-headed eagle (together they create a heart-shaped outline). The “feathers” are painted in the colors of the Russian flag which also serves as the basis for the company’s color scheme. At the same time, the logo avoids looking corny.

In the center of the logo is the name of the company written in cursive.

dusha rossii bag

The logo adds soul to any souvenirs and thanks to its memorable shape looks great both in color and monochrome.

dusha rossii toy

art director

project manager

  • Klementina typeface
Graphic design  Identities  Parks & outdoor spaces  Express design