The making of the cover design for The Orphan Master’s Son by Adam Johnson

Overview   Process  

The illustrator reads the book. The men in the world of the book have a habit of tattooing their wives’ portraits on their chests. The protagonist is not married, so the seamen make him a tattoo of a famous Korean actress which leads to him being recognized as the true husband of this woman, a high ranking official.


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Art director: OK.

Showing to the client.

Client: I have mixed feelings. I really like the large, ragged, unusual typeface. It took me time to realize that it is a tattoo on a man’s chest: the man’s figure can’t be easily recognized, the flowers around the tattoo look like a funeral wreath.

After some consideration, the client tunes into the idea of the illustration and approves the draft.

Drawing the final version.

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Client: This is beautiful. Though I think there should be a Byblos logo on the backbone, as well as on the first cover.


Receiving reviews to be placed on the back cover and realizing that they won’t fit.

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Deciding to adjust the illustration. Relocating the fishes and moving the flag.

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Art director: The author’s name is illegible and it’s sloppy under the text on the back.

Making final adjustments to the illustration and putting age restriction mark.

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