Bank Saint Petersburg mobile website mock-ups

bspb.ru/webmobile — from mobile devices
The leading bank of the Russian Northwestern region offers its client a full range of financial services. The mobile version of the bank’s website created at the studio helps apply for a loan, open a savings account, order a bank card, find nearest offices and ATMs and explore other bank services.

The main screen contains links to the most popular products and offers.
Each service is introduced with an original metaphor and a unique cover. The images illustrate simple but always relevant values shared by the bank’s clients.

This makes products easy to recognize on the website.

This makes products easy to recognize on the website.

Before submitting an application for a service, it’s helpful to go through all conditions and rate tables presented in compact form.
When there is too much information, a special control element becomes available. It shows current location in the menu and helps move through content.

When there is too much information, a special control element becomes available. It shows current location in the menu and helps move through content.
Maps help find the nearest office or ATM.

The mock-ups were used to create a guide for developers which includes rules and nuances of the layout.

art director
project manager
- The studio wishes to thank Pavel Kolchin, Vladimir Kitlyar and Yulia Beletskaya for their help with the project