Overview Process
Making first drafts and trying to suggest to the client that time has come for the website to have a complete makeover.
The client thinks the idea is the bee's knees, but sees the proposed changes as too radical and conceptual: they are too far from the real content. We accept the remarks and get back to work.
Now we get busy with the design. To understand the task better, we immerse ourselves in the needs and desires of the client, demands of his users, and the corporate structure. Yet, the sense of integrity still eludes us.
Starting to lay out separate pages.
Meanwhile, we are busy bees adjusting the concept to match the real content. A special block is dedicated to providing answers for the most vital questions. We propose to show a huge list of top offers right on the main page.
Condensing the page. Deciding to drop the offer wall in favor of something simpler. The client asks to add more “serviceness” to the delivery of information. Finding a spot for a special block that will contain all the hot services that users need most often.
Approving the main direction. Assembling a Lorem Ipsum page.
Working through the different states of the service block and the so-called receipt.
Trying to find a solution for central navigation.
The client submits some of the concepts for field testing.
Choosing the most transparent and low-maintenance solution.
Drawing inner pages.
A special attention is given to the tariff pages.
Drawing the necessary technical graphics.
As we work, we assemble website guidelines which contain the hierarchy and functionality of main pages and blocks, style requirements and technical graphics, populating the document during the whole course of development.