Beeline for Business website layouts

Overview   Process  

Task: to design and create layouts for a corporate clients website of a mobile operator.

The Beeline for Business website provides users with full information on corporate products and services complete with convenient self-service tools. Immediately on the main page the users are offered ready solutions for business of different sizes.

beeline b2b main
Real Beeline staff tell about the advantages of the services

Elaborate product pages describe the features in detail.

beeline b2b cloud
On the benefits of the cloud

Illustrated pages help users navigate the products easily.

beeline b2b mi strastburg
beeline b2b mi agra
beeline b2b mi ny
beeline b2b mi paris
Mobile internet in Strasbourg, Agra, New York and Paris

New clients can choose their first plan while current clients can switch to a different one. The contents of the page change according to the chosen scenario. Plan ranges that combine several plans under a common name are presented on one page for easy comparison.

beeline b2b tariffs
The difference is clear

Users have the ability to purchase additional services which will be visually combined in the cart.

beeline b2b basket
A full set of services

If a user chooses services without a plan, at the checkout they will be offered to select a suitable plan or attach the services to an existing SIM card.

beeline b2b basket option
Plans for services

Before finalizing the order, the users can choose the Beeline office where the SIM cards will be delivered. This way the clients have all the tools to place an order themselves, meaning they don’t have to seek the assistance of sales managers if they don’t want to.

Release date: August 15 2014


art director
technical designers
interface designer
project managers

From Beeline:

interface designer
project managers

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